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Joe Brainard

Joe Brainard: A Born Diarist

His daily life became an artwork

written by Juyeon Shin

Joe Brainard is an unclassified and innovative artist at the New York School, and a multi-hyphenate artist whose work includes small-sized collages and poetry. Also, he uses mediocrity as a transcendental means of elevating art.

As a writer, his writings are simple and humble. In his interesting book, 
I remember, all the sentences in the book are repeated as ‘I remember.'
This book has been recommended by many for its writing.
Critics have tried to find a similarity between his writing and art.
It is also said that there is simplicity, humor, and naivete. Or perhaps not.
It’s just indefinable and just being purely Brainard. In that way, he has accomplished many things.

When it comes to art, Joe Brainard is not considered a pop artist.
His work is more intimate and has more emotional elements than pop art.
He tries to find something lovely in his daily life. He has exhibited 1,500 collages, among which the most widely known are flower paintings, especially pansies. His collage technique has three-dimensional elements. About Brainard, Constance Lewallen said, “Cut out sort of traceries of plants and then layer between sheets of plexiglass, so they have three-dimensional and very painstakingly done.” On top of that, Brainard has collaborated with his many poet friends as their painter, combining poetry and his art. 

Brainard can be described as someone similar to the famous artists Goya and Manet, whom he has admired. He is not a master in art but by living faithfully, and eventually, his daily life became an artwork. Paul Auster, the author of The Collected Writings of Joe Brainard, describes Brainard’s life the best by saying "Joe turned his whole life into a work of art.

He felt that he was living it by being who he was. Joe was writing postcards to his friends all the time and sending them presents all the time.

He was constantly thinking of others. I think he cultivated this in a way."

Joe Brainard, Pansies, 1968. Watercolor

Joe Brainard, Pansies, 1968. Watercolor and collage on paper, 28 x 22 inches.


Brainard, Joe.

Angel Hair Books, 1973

If Nancy Was a Ball
Courtesy of the Estate of Joe Brainard


Nancy (diptych), 1974.jpg

Cat and Cone, 1976 
Courtesy of the Estate of Joe Brainard

Nancy (diptych), 1974
Oil on canvas, 30.5x40
Courtesy of the Estate of Joe Brainard


Untitled (Toothbrushes), 1973-74. 
Oil on canvas, 12 x 9 inches.
Courtesy of the Estate of Joe Brainard


Untitled, 1977
Mixed media collage on paper, 14" x 10 1/2"
Courtesy of the Estate of Joe Brainard

Untitled (Whippoorwill), c. 1974.jpg

Untitled (Whippoorwill), c. 1974
Oil on canvas
Courtesy of the Estate of Joe Brainard

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